Well, I would say this has been a birthday of note! it's taken me 20 years to actually have a lot of fun with it. + happy bday songs sung into voicemail. very special. more people should sing to voicemail. it makes it so much more entertaining!
Cheers for the free dinner + wine at The Swan Brewery, for Breakfast/Lunch at Spinnakers.. Dave's going away party was full of decent conversation and was completely convienent to be held on my birthday whilst i am house sitting
A lot of funny stories to be able to tell and laugh about. Great gifts.
Nice coffee at exomod with Kaitlyn and Laura after the party - at that time in the morning, who can't laugh loudly and make noise?!
I would say I saw 90% of the people I would qualify worthy for birthday hangage.
Those are some pics from Dave's (oh + Ross)
sweet fotos! they look like so much fun that i want to jump into them
hurrah for exomod hot chocs :)
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