Tuesday, February 14, 2006

i saw a graphics boy wearing a shirt that said "l337 15 53xy" and i laughed because:

1. it's funny
2. i could actually read it
3. it's true
i like nerds. they're nice. and they're useful.
which also made me think how graphic design is for nerds who think they have an imagination.


Brad said...

Even I know that the shirt said "Leet is sexy", and if I can read it does it still make it elite. and if it's not elite, is it still sexy???

no doubt though the net has made geekdom cool..

jess said...

what? you could read it?! shame, its so lame now. there goes my exclusive club...
if it's not elite? no, sorry it can't be sexy.

and, final note, geekdom is cool. it's about time we embraced it.

Anonymous said...

"which also made me think how graphic design is for nerds who think they have an imagination."

watch it buddy!!

i look forward to killing you soon...

jess said...

dave, you don't have the guts.

and we all know graphic designers wouldn't exist if photographers didn't give you guys a hand.

besides, if you did your research you'd find out photographers are just kids who can't paint.