Tuesday, August 15, 2006

red wine

man. tafe = topless male models. red wine. cigarettes. what kind of establishment are we running here!

So. this is the most involved set up we have ever had to do.
To get the swish - it involved a laser to set off the flash with about a one second delay.
Basically you need a long shutter speed. When the wine comes out of the tube and into the glass - the wine will break the lasers' beam + 1 second time delay will set of the flash to freeze the wine as it is making the curl.
There is a lot A LOT of messing around with the width of the tube vs the amound of wine vs the length of delay vs the angle of the glass - and takes about 3 people to take the shot.

1. person to fill the tube/ funnel with wine
2. person to be ready to let the wine out of the tube.
3. person to click the shutter

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